How to write blogs that google will love
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Episode 548: How to Write Blogs that Google Will Love – Claire Lauer

Is there actually a strategy behind writing blog posts? Isn’t it good enough if I just share information from my recent sessions with some cool keywords and photos?

Claire Lauer of CL Content Marketing is here to dispel myths and provide strategies for writing blogs that will actually help with SEO! Listen in to episode 548 to hear how to set goals for your blogs, strategically use keywords, and appropriately use tagging to not only help Google find your site, but your ideal clients too!

A Fresh Approach on SEO Tactics
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Episode 535: A Fresh Approach on SEO Tactics – Feuza Reis

Hey, Siri.  How much will it cost to have family pictures made?” “Alexa, what wedding venues have the prettiest views in Chicago?”  These conversational style searches happen every day. Will potential clients be able to find you with this new approach?

Feuza “Fuse” Reis joins us for episode 535 of the Bokeh Podcast to share how business owners are behind the times when it comes to SEO.  Old principles of using formal, specific keywords are not working as well in today’s world of conversational voice searches. Listen in to hear a fresh perspective on what you should and should NOT do when setting up your website to maximize SEO.

Keywords to Maximize SEO
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Episode 515: How to Use Keywords to Maximize SEO – Kyle Goldie

Keywords: the words potential clients use when searching for a photographer! Are you including keywords on your website that will actually drive traffic to your business?

Kyle Goldie is here to explain how to strategize in order to find and use the best keywords for your website!  Listen in to episode 515 as he shares the types of keywords to use, as well as tools for monitoring not only your own site, but also your competitor’s in order to stay at the top of the list.