How to price yourself for profitability
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Episode 595: How to Price Yourself for Profitability – Walid Azami

The conversation around pricing has become unnecessarily complicated in the photography industry, and photographer Walid Azami is here to fix that! Listen in to this episode with Walid to learn how to simply establish pricing that not only makes sense to your clients, but also sets your business up for profitability.

How to Start a Cost-Conscious Wedding Photo Business
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Episode 565: How to Start a Cost-Conscious Wedding Photo Business – Alex MacNaughton

Taking an industry leap from journalism photography to wedding photography isn’t an easy feat, but if you’re going to make the jump, the best way to do it is to land in a (brand) position that you’ve planned for!

In episode 565 of The Bokeh Podcast, we sit down for a brand consultation with Alex MacNaughton on how to create a wedding photography business with affordable pricing in mind. Listen in to hear advice on branding, marketing, creating a website, and many more facets of a photography business, plus amazing resources to get started!