A mindset for success
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Episode 620: A Mindset for Success – Byron Hopkins

Photographer Byron Hopkins wasn’t always a photographer. An athlete, a multi-tour Marine, an author, a speaker – Byron has experienced and accomplished a lot! In this Bokeh Podcast episode, Byron shares the important lessons he’s learned about mindset – and how those lessons have enabled growth and accomplishment in his life!

how to outwork doubt

Bonus Episode: How to Outwork Doubt – Helene Boudreau

In this bonus episode of the Bokeh Podcast, Helene Boudreau walks us through three ways to “outwork doubt” so that you can build the confidence to achieve what you set out to accomplish. It may not be perfect in the beginning, but taking messy action is the first step. Tune in as we chat about what this looks like and how you can implement this advice into your own business!

How to grow your business despite adversity
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Episode 593: How to Grow Your Business Despite Adversity – Katrina Cross-Daniels

It’s inevitable that we’ll face challenges in the middle of launching or building our photography business. The question is: how do we keep going despite adversity? Join us for this powerful conversation with Katrina Cross-Daniels to not only learn how to keep your business running in the middle of troubles, but even level up in the process!