
Episode 34: Define Your Values, Define Your Business – The Harris Company

Makayla and David Harris are the epitome of a photography power couple. They met by way of a simple photobomb, and have been inseparable since. Growing The Harris Company into a business successful in photography and cinematography, Makayla and David offer powerful advice on what it means to stay true to yourself and your business.

In this episode, Nathan Holritz of Photographer’s Edit discusses just what it means to stay true to yourself while running a successful business.

Show Notes

“Find yourself, and be like that” – a quote borrowed from Makayla Harris. The world is full of so many options today that it’s easy to lose perspective. Goals, values, daily tasks, our inner selves – they all get lost in the complicated hustle and bustle of this thing called life. So how do we dial it back and reconnect with who we are and what we represent?

Makayla, David, and Nathan tackle this with one key step: decide what your values are and define yourself with them. When you’re building a business, it’s important to decide what’s important to you and let that shine through in your work – especially in something so personal as photography.

“Your brand doesn’t always have to be perfectly polished. You can sprinkle in a little personality in there as well.” – Makayla Harris

Find out more about encompassing your personal values in your business by listening to the full interview. You can download the podcast from iTunes or on your phone.

Podcast: Bokeh: The Business of Photography by Nathan Holritz

Episode 34: Define Your Values, Define Your Business

Instagram: @hcophotocinema
Website: http://theharrisco.com/

Show Notes:

Introduction to Makayla and David Harris [00:31]
Maintaining Authenticity [05:12]
“Find Yourself and Be That” [07:04]
Defining Values [14:30]
Setting Goals  [18:06]
Where to Learn More [20:01]

The Harris Company – theharrisco.com
Instagram – @hcophotocinema