
Episode 553: A Spokesmodel Program for Senior Photographers – Leslie Kerrigan

You might be thinking to yourself, ‘Why would I charge spokesmodels to advertise for me?’ The answer is more simple than you might expect!

In episode 553 of the Bokeh Podcast, Leslie Kerrigan joins us to explain the benefits of implementing a senior spokesmodel program for both photographers and clients! Tune in to learn where to start and what mistakes you should avoid while creating a spokesmodel program that fits best for you and your potential clients!

The Bokeh Podcast is brought to you by Photographer’s Edit: Custom Editing for the Professional Photographer.  You can subscribe to the Bokeh podcast on the Apple podcast app, follow on Spotify, add to your playlist on Stitcher, or listen on Overcast.

Show Notes

Brand position 
– Photography (2:25)
– Education (4:53)

Creating a great customer experience (7:05)

Technique for time management (9:54)

Outsourcing/Delegation (11:56)

Book recommendation (15:26)
#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

Favorite piece of gear (18:27)

How did Leslie go about getting to know the expectations of her clients and surpass them? (7:54)

How to get your creativity and inspiration back after burnout (21:33)

What is a Senior Spokesmodel Program? (24:05)

How did Leslie implement the Senior Spokesmodel Program into her business? (24:48)

How do photographers make the transition from pro bono to charging with senior photography? (27:13)

Why the Senior Spokesmodel Program is charged as opposed to pro bono (29:00)

Steps for transitioning from pro bono to charging for senior photography (31:45)
1. Gain confidence
2. Know your numbers

Recommendations on simplifying the process of running a Senior Spokesmodel Program (35:13)
– Write out your plan
– Why you want to implement spokesmodeling
– What will you offer to clients and what will you get from your clients 

Is there a standard approach to the incentives offered? (38:38)

What are the driving factors for figuring out what seniors want in the program? (40:37)
1. Ask and get feedback
2. Don’t be afraid to test things out
3. Build a relationship

What are the common mistakes made when implementing a spokesmodel program? (45:54)
1. Thinking it’s all the model’s responsibility
2. Giving everything for free
3. Not planning beforehand 

Key Idea for Implementing a Senior Spokesmodel Program (49:35)
– Determine the base services your spokesmodels are going to get working with you before you start your program

The Seniorologie Podcast: